Thursday, January 6, 2011

An appeal for more benedictions

As reported in the New Testament, the Old Testament is there or our instruction and edification.

One thing that I think all too often goes unremarked is an event such as when Aaron and his sons were advised to bless the children of Israel thusly:

The Lord bless thee, and keep thee:
The Lord make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
The Lord lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
Numbers 6:22-27, excerpted

Of course, that was directed to the priests of God's Chosen people of the Old Testament. In the New Testament, those who truly follow His Word instead of some twisted version of it have become the Chosen People of the Christian Age (I. Peter 2:9-10) and priests ourselves.

As such, it seems Christians would be well served to find sayings such as the above and bless one another with them rather than sayings like "catch you later" or "good luck".

Of course, this is a habit hard to form, but well worth doing so.

In that frame of mind I would say, Thank you for reading and until we come together in person or spirit once more, may the peace of God be in your heart and may His presence overshadow your for good.